Category: code/

Laravel Logs generated by crontab permission denied

I had a problem with logs being generated by crontab not being accessible by my server user.  The...

John H John H
~1 minute

Laravel Logs generated by crontab permission denied

I had a problem with logs being generated by crontab not being accessible by my server user.  The...

John H John H
~1 minute

Lararavel on AWS Linux Storage permissions

Running into issues with Storage logs being denied. Tried this sudo chown -R $USER:apache...

John H John H
~1 minute

Adding JS libraries in Laravel

Adding a library in Laravel To add with npm the library needs to be included and compiled with...

John H John H
~1 minute

Apache Performance

Ulimit ...

John H John H
~1 minute

Limit Server Options Requests

in httpd.conf AllowMethods GET POST OPTIONS In each VirtualHost directive ## Disallow...

John H John H
~1 minute

Limit Server Options Requests

in httpd.conf AllowMethods GET POST OPTIONS In each VirtualHost directive ## Disallow...

John H John H
~1 minute

Blocking Access to a Url route in Apache

This serves a 403 forbidden for any route with blog. RewriteRule ^(.*/)?blog(.*/)?/ - [F,L]...

John H John H
~1 minute